Alto-Shaam CTC10-10G Full-Size Combi-Oven, Boilerless


SKU: Alto-ShaamCTC10-10G Category:


Alto-Shaam CTC10-10G Description

Combitherm CT Classic Combi Oven/Steamer, LP gas, boilerless, countertop, (11) 18″ x 13″ half size sheet or (11) 12″ x 20″ full size hotel pan (1/1 GN) capacity, classic control with steam/convection/combi cooking modes, SafeVent steam venting, CombiClean with (1) cleaning level, (2) side racks with (11) non-tilt support rails, CoolTouch3 glass window, door hinged right, high efficiency LED lighting, stainless steel construction, adjustable stainless steel legs, 70,000 BTU, EcoSmart, cULus, UL-EPH, ANSI/NSF 4, CE, IP X5, Gastec
