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How to Open a Juice Bar in 12 Steps

How to Open a Juice Bar in 12 Steps

Opening a juice bar is an extremely rewarding experience that can be very lucrative and improve the health around your community. Your juice bar will need creative marketing, a good location, and great equipment. Startup costs can be as low as $15k or as high as $350k, depending on your area. However, you’ll bring in $200k – $750k in annual revenue once your juice bar is set up and running. We’ve helped hundreds of juice bars craft their business plans, get the right equipment for sustainable operations, and expand into additional offerings. Let’s jump right in and discover how to open your juice bar.

Here are the 12 most important steps to open your juice bar:

1. Understand the Secrets to Successful Juice Bars

Most of our readers visit juice bars or even own several of them. However, some of you do not have a juice bar in your area and are ready to bring the healthy vibes to your hometown. Let’s understand what a juice bar does and what makes them so popular.

Juice bars are aimed at health-conscious individuals who want to add fruits and vegetables to their diets. Many people replace traditional foods with juices while doing 30 days cleanses. People participating in juice cleanses requires a constant source of fresh juice, whether it comes from their local juice bar or personal juicer at home. Juice bars serve freshly squeezed juices as well as healthy smoothies and other delectable treats. This includes protein shakes, wheatgrass shots, chia pudding, coffee, and greens.

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The Best Way to Juice Celery

Learn how to juice celery with the Kuvings EVO820! Dee from Plant Based Pros shows you how easy it is to make celery juice. This is perfect for anyone who wants the health benefits of one of the most popular juices available. She uses the Kuvings EVO820 to quickly separate the juice from the pulp and creates a delicious emerald celery juice.

Step 1:

Break apart celery and wash each piece. Make sure that the inside is washed since debri and dirt tends to get stuck there.

Step 2:

Cut the celery into 1″ pieces. Start from the greenest part and work your way to the base of the celery (the white part). Throw away the white part.

Step 3:

Close the chute of the EVO820 juicer and start feeding it handfuls of celery. Make sure to watch the pulp and juice output so you don’t overwhelm the juicer. Once the the pulp and the juice start trickling it out, you add more.

Step 4:

Try your celery juice!

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Juicing for Health – Introduction, Benefits, and Juicer Buyers Guide

Introduction to Juicing

Introduction to Juicing

Are you ready to improve your mind, body, and health? Are you trying to lose a few pounds as a New Year’s resolution or get your body beach ready? If so, then read on! Juicing may be the perfect answer for you. It is a great way to lose excess baggage, improve your mental clarity, and improve the way you look.

This article will provide an introduction to juicing, discuss the benefits of juicing, and go through the main types of juicers.

What is Juicing?

Juicing is the process of extracting juices from vegetables and fruits. The juice is separated from the dry pulp and consumed as a tasty drink. It is loaded with healthy enzymes, nutrients, and vitamins that are beneficial for your body.

Why Should I Juice?

Juicing provides all of the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, plus more. Juicing separates the nutrient-dense juice from the pulp so it is concentrated and easy to digest. This gives your body vitamins, anti-inflammatory compounds, and antioxidants that are easily absorbed. Your body will get a quick boost of natural and long-lasting energy. Additionally, the juice will clean undesired toxins out of your body. This process will give you mental clarity, more radiant skin, and improved health. Juicing is also great to consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables if you get full easily.

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