How to Open a Juice Bar in 12 Steps
Opening a juice bar is an extremely rewarding experience that can be very lucrative and improve the health around your community. Your juice bar will need creative marketing, a good location, and great equipment. Startup costs can be as low as $15k or as high as $350k, depending on your area. However, you’ll bring in $200k – $750k in annual revenue once your juice bar is set up and running. We’ve helped hundreds of juice bars craft their business plans, get the right equipment for sustainable operations, and expand into additional offerings. Let’s jump right in and discover how to open your juice bar.
Here are the 12 most important steps to open your juice bar:
1. Understand the Secrets to Successful Juice Bars
Most of our readers visit juice bars or even own several of them. However, some of you do not have a juice bar in your area and are ready to bring the healthy vibes to your hometown. Let’s understand what a juice bar does and what makes them so popular.
Juice bars are aimed at health-conscious individuals who want to add fruits and vegetables to their diets. Many people replace traditional foods with juices while doing 30 days cleanses. People participating in juice cleanses requires a constant source of fresh juice, whether it comes from their local juice bar or personal juicer at home. Juice bars serve freshly squeezed juices as well as healthy smoothies and other delectable treats. This includes protein shakes, wheatgrass shots, chia pudding, coffee, and greens.